• Leesburg, VA 20175
  • davida@siliconvalleytec.com
  • Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 7:45 PM

David Anderson

CEO and Founder of Silicon Valley Technology

David Anderson is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Silicon Valley Technology. He is responsible for leading the strategy, product development, channels, and global sales.

David is an accomplished executive and entrepreneur who has held senior leadership positions in public and private companies within the cyber security, network security, and software development industries.

Prior to founding Silicon Valley Technology, David held Executive Vice President global sales management roles with Radware, focusing on data center security, enterprise security and public sector cyber security.

David has been a leader in acquiring, building, and growing businesses with IPO’s completed at Ixia, Pure Software and Mercury Interactive.

David brings more than 25 years of experience in general management, direct sales, marketing and business development to Silicon Valley Technology.

David holds a BSEE/CS degree from the University of California at Berkeley.

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Adhom Jonam

Project Manager

Turka Pruda

CEO, Co-Founder